Sunday, May 22, 2011

Transform IT from Cost to Revenue

Transfer IT from Cost to Revenue

Today, IT work is often equated with costs, e.g. development, operation, hardware, and maintenance. Cloud Services redistribute these costs, and other hidden costs, to more valued work, which will generate revenue.

Cloud Services enable companies to put time, focus, and resources on the right things. By outsourcing the operation to the Cloud, a companies IT resources no longer has to maintain servers and clients. Instead they are able to focus their time on activities that improve business and increase sales. The Cloud also releases resources to actively work with process improvements, support, and developing the flow of business models throughout the company. An efficient and correctly set-up business flow can generate large revenues in time.

A Corporation will have shorter Time to Market (TTM) with Cloud Services since the user can have a service or application uploaded, installed, and ready to be used in a couple of hours. The return will therefore also be swifter.

Developing a company in this manner increases both the Competitive Edge and Market Shares. Since the Cloud enables fast development and a quick redistribution of resources to the right type of labour, both large and small organizations can quickly gain new business areas.
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