Friday, May 13, 2011

Let others pay for your IT-systems

Låt andra betala för dina IT-system

Getting started with Cloud Services does not take long at all. All systems are already installed and in operation by the supplier. All that is required is registration of a new client, configuration of the new account for your business, and, possibly, a transfer of data. A task that previously took months to complete, now only takes a few days.

The Multi-Tenancy concept reduces IT-costs tremendously, since several companies will share the most expensive aspects like system development, operation, and maintenance. Traditionally, companies invest in hardware and software to increase productivity and reduce administrative costs. The tightened competition and the price pressure have resulted in more and more IT-systems, which in turn render bigger costs. A transition to the Cloud is therefore the next necessity to grow and remain competitive.

Read more about the advantages of Cloud Services in the next post...
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